Excited To Hear Sick Of Sarah


SICK OF SARAH play El Cid Oct. 20 and Bar Pink Oct. 21

Indie rock Sick of Sarah is driven by the rebellious beats of the punk scene and the easily recognizable sultry voice that is Abisha Uhl. Even with the punk feel, it is obvious that there is a pop-background to Sick of Sarah, giving them, ultimately, a Paramore-esque feel.

Finalizing their lineup for their touring of their newest release Anthem, Uhl and drummer Jessica Forsythe introduce members Ari Applewhite (guitar / vocals), Jack Swagger (guitar / vocals) and AJ Stone (bass). During this tour, Sick of Sarah will play SoCal at two shows: El Cid Oct. 20 and Bar Pink Oct. 21.

“I would like people to be excited when they hear our name. Also, I hope that our music inspires people to dream big,” Uhl said in their band bio, “I want people to think of strength and confidence. I want them to internalize our lyrics and relate to them. I want people to pull strength out of our music and to help improve their lives. I want people to enjoy our music and have fun with life.”

This Minnesota-based band give way for the future of “girl bands,” powering through the typical bubblegum-pop sound and coming out with what is sure to be hitting Billboard “top” lists soon enough.

Their newest album Anthem is a collection of six songs that are truly catchy and “Contagious.” The positive notes found in lyrics such as in “Everything is Beautiful” give a twist to the normal negativity of modern music and entice audiences with the simple, uptempo beats.

In support of their newest release and tour dates, Sick of Sarah has combined with The Torn Labels Project, a non-profit project supporting anti-hate/anti-bullying through music and art. During this tour, the money raised will be used toward publications and educational groups in schools as well as to support programs that assist the youth to avoid drugs, violence, self-harm, and more.

Having a tour not only with an impressive new lineup, new songs and a purpose, make Sick of Sarah the tour to end the year. It’s bound to be packed with emotional playing and passionate lyrics to make for a not-to-miss performance.