Dirty Heads Brings Sweet Sounds Of Summer To The Wiltern

Dirty Heads

Dirty Heads play with Sublime’s Rome at The Wiltern Oct. 11

According to the there recent hit “My Sweet Summer” is gone; but that hasn’t stopped The Dirty Heads from continuing to tour. The band is headed on the road joined by Sublime with Rome’s front man Rome with a stop at the Wiltern Theater on Sat, Oct. 11.

Dirty Heads recent album Sound of Change has brought this reggae rock band exactly what the title of the album suggest. Still sticking close to what the band does best Sound of Change has been the album of the summer. Weather you are looking for that soft-beach sound, or that perfect song to rock-out too The Dirty Heads are the perfect go-to.

OC Concert Guide spoke with Dubby B from the Dirty Heads to see what he had to say about the recent album and his guitar hero.

OCCG: In your song “Lay Me Down” from Any port in a Storm, Rome sang on that song, now he will be joining you on Tour. How did you guys meet?
Duddy B: We have known Rome for a long time now. He was always this talented kid hanging around the studio. It was cool when he was chosen to be the lead singer of sublime.

OCCG: On your mot recent album Sound of Change you got to collaborate with some amazing producers, how do you think this affected the album musically?
Duddy B: It was awesome we wanted to try new things. We had different writers and producers and with that you learn and you grow. Each producer we worked with was a different experience but it was cool going to each studio and try something new.

OCCG: You were just placed in Golf’s Digest as one of the top 100 golf players in music, what other hidden talents can we find in the band?
Duddy B: Yes let it be known I’m coming after you Justin Timberlake! :laughs:
Well Dave is good at tattoos and Jared had his own clothing line. I also like to bake snacks our plan was to start a food truck and have it follow the bus (laughing).

OCCG: I have seen you play acoustically as well, as plugged in, which do you enjoy more?
Duddy B: There is a time for acoustic and place to play acoustic and then there are concert tours where we plug in. We enjoy both; of course we started as an acoustic band so our sound acoustically is pretty natural.

OCCG: Going on tour what are some of the ground rules you set as a band?
Duddy B:
1.No underage drinking or chicks on bus
2.be respectful
3. Stay healthy

Just normal common sense shit.

OCCG: who musically influenced you? You play guitar for the band and also rap? Who is your guitar hero, and your most influential rap star?
Duddy B: Stevie Ray Vaughn in my guitar playing he has a lot of soul and feeling when he plays. I am a big Beastie Boys fan.

OCCG: What has been your most embarrassing stage moment?
Duddy B: We had a show one time about four Halloween’s Ago in Austin, TX at Weird O’s. Our bus showed up at like 10am. The waitresses there were very generous and let us have whatever food and drinks we wanted. We got carried away and the next thing you know, the tour manager says we were going on. I couldn’t remember anything that was going on, I didn’t know lyrics, guitar parts, and it was awful. Lucky for me the city shut the show down.

OCCG: What can we find on Duddy B’s playlist?
Duddy B: Bill Withers, A’int no sunshine; I’ve been jamming to him a lot lately.