OC Metal Band Returns To Rock Fans At Chain Reaction


Atreyu plays the Chain Reaction Sept. 11

Orange County metal band, Atreyu, recently announced their return from hiatus after 3 years off of touring and recording. Now the band has revealed that their first returning show will take place at Chain Reaction in Anaheim, CA on Sept. 11.

The reunited lineup, featuring vocalist Alex Varkatzas, drummer Brandon Saller, guitarists Dan Jacobs and Travis Miguel and bassist Marc Mcknight, is ready to get back out on the road. On July 1, 2014, the band officially announced that they’re back writing new music and plans to play live, starting with a headlining show at Chain Reaction, a venue they have not played in over a decade.

The band also recently released a new song on their Youtube channel titled “So Others May Live” that is also available for free download off their official website, http://atreyuofficial.com. Guitarist Jacobs took the time to speak with the OC Concert Guide about getting back to playing live and heading back into the studio to record album number six.

OCCG: How do you feel being from Orange County has shaped your sound through the years?
DJ: There were a lot of great bands coming up in Orange County at the time we first formed in 1999. Bands like Adamatium, Throwdown, 18 Vision, Death by Stereo were dominating the scene and definitely influenced us to go down a much heavier road then we were currently on. We started as a three-piece punk band called Retribution in 1996 and naturally changed our sound and name because of how influenced we were by Heavy music and the OC scene.

OCCG: Why did the group decide to take a break from recording and touring?
DJ: We we’re all just burnt out to be honest. We had been living in Never Never Land since we were in our late teens just touring the world and playing music for a living. I think we all needed to take a step back for a bit so that we could focus on our lives outside of the band and find ourselves as individuals. The break was very refreshing and the best thing that could of happened to us. We’re now all excited again for the first time in years and are ready to continue rocking this planet.

OCCG: Does the band members’ other musical projects tend to take time away from Atreyu?
DJ: For everyone in our band, Atreyu is the main priority. Brandon has the most active band outside of Atreyu called Hell or High Water (they’re amazing you should check them out) but they work their schedule around Atreyu’s Schedule, which works out great for both bands.

OCCG: Some musicians feel side projects takes away from an original band while others feel it helps musicians grow in their own music, which has been the case with Atreyu and why?
DJ: With anything you do in life, the more you do it, in one way or another, you will get better at it. I feel it’s very important to listen to, as well as write, all types of music so that you can broaden your musical vocabulary. The more you know, the more interesting your writing will become.

OCCG: The last few albums have been noted for having a more harder and darker sound, has the band always been going in that direction or did it just evolve through the recording process?
DJ: We have always had a dark, heavy vibe to most of our music so it’s something that we have naturally evolved into. Creates an awesome vibe both live and in recordings.

OCCG: Who has been the band’s favorite producer to work with? Which producer would you still like to record with?
DJ: I wouldn’t say we have a favorite just because we work better when we produce our own music and just work with a great engineer to record it. Our sound is strongly a combination of writing collaboration within the band so producers, as amazing as they can be at what they do, can unintentionally change our “recipe” and send our sound into an uncomfortable direction. As far as talent, inspiration, and the knowledge or producing we gained from working with them, John Feldman is hands down our favorite.

OCCG: What is the band’s favorite song to play live? Is there a song or songs you prefer not to play or rarely play and why?
DJ: We love playing songs that people can sing along and mosh too. That energy is what attracted us to this style of music so we want to give that back in our music. If I had to pick 3 favorite songs to play live I would say – My Fork in the Road, Right Side of the Bed, and Blow.

OCCG: How are the new recordings going? What can fans expect that is different from your past albums?
DJ: We have been working on some new material so that when it comes time to make a record we are ready to go. So far, everything is more like our records The Curse on Steroids. For fans of old Atreyu, it’s time to mosh.

OCCG: What is the band most looking forward at the Chain Reaction show?
DJ: Getting to be back on stage again with our brothers. We love playing music more than anything in the world, especially with the five of us, so we can’t wait to get back on stage and tear that mother down.