Saint Motel Take To The Stage At Detroit Bar

Saint Motel

Saint Motel play at the Detroit Bar July 24

Accompanied by Hockey and SWIMM, The Los Angeles’s based quartet Saint Motel will be performing at Costa Mesa’s Detroit Bar on July 24.

Featuring songs that focus on the “King of Swing” Benny Goodman, ideas of wet dreams and plastic surgery, the band’s music is catchy with unique sounds and lyrics that leave room for interpretation.

Meeting through Chapman University’s prestigious film school, A/J Jackson (vocals, guitar), A Sharp (Guitar), Greg Erwin (Drums) and Dak (bass) are known to visually stimulate the eye with over the top music videos and live performances that can “give an out of body experience.”

OC Concert Guide briefly spoke with front man A/J Jackson about Saint Motel’s background and music.

OCCG: How would you personally describe the band’s music? How does it differ from artist within your genre?
A/J: Someone once wrote our music is the movie Casablanca if the soundtrack was written by ELO. That sounds nice.

OCCG: Who or what inspires your music?
A/J: Hmm, that’s tough. Every emotional state is potentially inspirational. Good times, bad times, all of it is there as subject matter. You just have to be receptive.

OCCG: How did you decide on the name Saint Motel?
A/J: The name is a motel that is between all of our hometowns on the map. Center point.

OCCG: How has film school contributed to your music career?
A/J: Not sure exactly. Possibly has helped us to think about music in visual terms.

OCCG: What can fans expect from you at a live show?
A/J: Hopefully an out of body experience haha. We are always trying new ideas visually just like without music.

OCCG: Do you have a favorite song to perform?
A/J: I love all my children equally. But the newborns are fun and fresh.

OCCG: Puzzle pieces…plastic surgery. What are your thoughts on it? Was there someone in mind when writing this song?
A/J: The song was kind of inspired by a photographer friend of mine. He was describing a model and saying she had the most perfect facial features. the fullest lips, great cheeks, slender nose, etc. but the parts just didn’t work together. I liked that imagery a lot.

OCCG: You are often on a bus together for long periods of time. Can you tell me about that? Are there any ‘house’ rules?
A/J: Love thy neighbor. Keep calm. Don’t steal someone else’s Kit Kat bar.

OCCG: What comes after the summer tour? Can we expect another album?
A/J: Yes you can! We have a new single coming out very soon and it will all be building up into something bigger down the line.

OCCG: Is there anything else you would like to share with your fans?
A/J: Keep an eye and ear out for new SM happenings.